Friday, January 8, 2010


Friday night, and I am pajama'ed by 8:00 watching tv. Lazily texting a galpal, who is in the same slump as I, we agree that the closest Anthropologie is WAAAAY too far away. 11.4 miles actually, but there is half a foot of snow out there with single digit wind chills. Anyway, this: is ADORABLE! I love Moulinette Soeurs, and I love shirt dresses. Available in a variety of colors HERE. Should I or shouldn't I??

My resolutions this New Year are all financial based. I found an older Design Sponge tutorial I'd bookmarked, I suppose that would be a better use of time than online shopping. Right? The full kaboodle is HERE. Cheap and easy enough, there are so many mismatched plates at thrift stores they are practically free. Fingers crossed I don't epoxy a body part or a puppy to something!

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