Wednesday, February 3, 2010

in case you Google yourself

Aziz Ansari, hot, porno, nude, sexy, bad boy of comedy, Parks, Human Giant, Raaaaaaaandy, rollerblade, Harris, Darwish, Kanye, Slumdog... did that work? Try it at for an adorable experience. I'm more of a dog person, but still have a heart.

Aziz is Bored is a hilarious, insightful, thought-provoking blog. I know I can't get enough of it! I think I'll add it to this site right now... Yes, this post was just a test to see if googling Aziz + any of the above adjectives would lead you (possible Aziz) to this blog. This is not an important test. I'm just a huge fan and think it'd be pretty awesome if Aziz left a comment here; hint. This test may be a failure, but what the hell right?

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